Friday, February 10, 2012


By Nkiru Oh

Remember the most embarrassing moment we talked about the other day? Well, I have another one to share with you. This did not happen to me though. It happened to one of my colleagues some years back. It's not like I laugh at people's misfortune. Never! The fact is that silly things often make us have a good laugh!

Now talking of a good laugh. Do you know that laughter is said to be one of the best medicines ever! Yea...the good old hahahahahehehekikikihikihiki...! And it's free too! So make sure you reap the rewards of this free therapy. Rather than squeeze your face like someone who drank some raw quinine, learn to laugh at yourself. Common, do not take things more serious than they are! If you are one of the embittered homo sapiens in this world...mmmmm...too bad cos you inflict untold woes on yourself! And do not say I did not warn you!

You know what? I think I can rightly deduce that one of the reasons I have this beautiful face, besides the grace of God, and then my parents' genes, is because I can laugh at my self. You're already clicking on my profile foto to prove me wrong? Naaaa! I mean for someone who started smiling few hours after she was born, I ain't doing badly in the laughing mode! That's one of my bragging rights! You doubt me, ask my mama!, I laugh only when it's appropriate. I mean, inappropriate laughter connotes something wrong upstairs. Know what I mean?
Dunno why I like to digress! Think that makes the story juicier. Don't you think so? Yes na. So my friend Olivia (not real name) is not physically endowed like some of us. She learnt to augment her small breasts with enhancers. By the way there are enhancers for the behind too! Wonders shall never end!

So one beautiful morning at about 10:00AM, we worked the 6:00AM -2:00PM shift then, I saw Olivia going frantically from one room to another. Everyone asked her what was wrong. Initially, she paid us no mind. So we joined her in the search for the unknown! Ten minutes passed..then fifteen minutes. I was about to call off the search when one of the funniest scenes in the world unfolded right in front of me. Olivia looked me straight in the eyes and went: "Nkiru, please, did you see one of my boobs?" What? I, a boob-keeper? Then she turned to the team of searchers and went, "please, girls, did any one see my boob? Don't know where or when the right one fell off!" Osanobua! One look at Olivia's unequally yoked boobs and we all laughed so hysterically that my stomach hurt for days! You can imagine the scene! But guess what? We found the recalcitrant, stubborn, elopee boob in one of the bathrooms. Olivia gladly put it back where it belonged and every one was happily ever after! Don't forget to share your story. Let the activated laughing mode continue!

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