Monday, February 27, 2012

My Random Thoughts

Nkiru Oh

Being broke is temporary. It definitely must come to an end! It is quite different from being poor which entails a complete negation of self worth! This too may be temporary! But the worst and also dangerous kind of poverty is the Spiritual/ Mental one. This type negates both self worth and creation as a whole! It equates stagnancy! It is only comparable to being a living dead!

Let it go!
You have held on for too long!
Free your heart from the torture of unforgiveness!
Free your mind from anger and bitterness!
Let it go, stop hindering your blessings!
Jesus forgave you and even died on the cross for you!
Today is the day for you to let it go!
Let it go, you have held on for too long!!!!

You know you are matured when you can objectively analyze issues no matter whose ox was gored! Other than that, you ain't there yet

People who question their self worth belittle others to cover their fears and inadequacies! Too bad they end up making everything more glaring!

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