Friday, May 17, 2013

"That Woman You Gave Me": the Adamic Syndrome

How many times have you heard statements like "Lying is as old as mankind?" or "Many people are experts of the blame game?" Why do people tell lies even when the truth seems so obvious? How many people own up their mistakes? Why do many find it easier to blame others for all their mistakes, problems and woes? Am I, or have I been a culprit of this blame game? What excuses have you heard, or proffered, to justify a negative/unwanted behavior?

I remember when one of my nephews years flunked years ago. When asked why he failed, he quickly answered that "he was made to sit at the back of the class!" Another young girl who failed her quiz told me "the teacher passed only his friends!" From the classic "the dog ate my homework" to the most frivolous "my wife made me hit her" or "he caused me to cheat on him," humans are full of excuses, some of which may sound weird, meaningless, crazy, funny, or outright silly!

Could it be that this tendency to not own up is in our genetic make-up? Could it be that we inherited the lying gene from our forebears, Adam and Eve, for those who believe the biblical account of creation? But why do some own up while others do not? Have you heard or read some myths about why women do not own up? I remember one account in Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales."

Remember when God asked a simple question as, "Adam, where are you?" One expected a straightforward answer, right? Wrong, Adam rather answered, "we heard your voice and hid." Now check out his answer to the next question: "What have you done? Have you eaten the fruit I forbade you?" Knowing he had erred, one would think Adam would man-up and apologize to his friend, God. But no, it was not his fault. "That woman you gave me made me eat the fruit!" Wow, Adam! Couldn't he have refused to eat? What does it take to own up to one's mistakes and or errors? Rather than admit his fault, Adam blamed God for giving him Eve in the first place! But did Adam complain when he was presented Eve as a companion? Did he not excitedly accept Eve as "bone of my bone...flesh of my flesh?" Why the sudden flip-flop?

Is it right to say that mankind is afflicted with the Adamic Syndrome! Could that be why many do not own up to their mistakes? But are adults not responsible for their action whether it was their decision or they heeded someone's advice? What are some reasons or excuses you have heard or given to explain your failings? 

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