Thursday, March 22, 2012

Man's Inhumanity: "Let the World See!"

Nkiru Oh

My body cringed after watching a CNN video footage of the slaughtering of about a dozen family members in the Syrian city of Homs, people believed to oppose the government. Not the first time I have seen gory pictures, but I have not been able to comprehend the insanity involved in such heinous acts! My questions have remained, why are human beings so wicked? Why should man kill fellow humans under every flimsy excuse? How can any human being have the heart to hurt or kill a child? What joy does any anyone derive from the massacre of the innocents? What has slaughtering a family got to do with opposing the government? Do humans not have the right to oppose a regime? Wouldn't it be so boring if there are no opposing voices? Are we not yet done with dictators? I really don't get it. Honestly, I don't, and it hurts me real bad!

Syria is said to be a nation with a Sunni majority governed by a minority Alawite, an offshoot sect of Shia Islam. Am thinking, why can't humans coexist peacefully. Animals of same specie live together. They do not attack, kill or eat each other. Why can't humans do the same? If Islam is a religion of peace, why should one sect slaughter members of another sect? Are the different sects not worshipping the same Allah? Where lies the peace as stipulated by the Quran? Why do humans twist the teachings of their religion to suit their selfish motives? Where is the love?

Mind you, this is not an attack on or condemnation of Islam or Muslims. Never! I just do not understand all the massacre going on in the world. Are wars the only option? How about dialogue? From the indiscriminate killing of innocent citizens in Afghanistan by a rogue soldier, to the murder of Trayvon Martin by a racist lunatic, and then this! How do those murderers sleep at night after spilling the much blood of the innocents? Do they believe in God? What do they tell their God in prayers? Are they so wicked that human lives mean nothing to them? What can be done to stop all these killings? One of the rescuers in the CNN video said, "let the world see". The world has seen, then what? How much blood should be spilled before the powers that be do something? Give your suggestions please!

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