Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Marketing 101

Nkiru Oh

Below is one of the most hilarious jokes I ever read on the world wide web. I saw it on a wall... laughed so much that I figured it would be great to share it with all my friends. Won't be nice of me to keep a juicy fun as this to myself. Naaaah...wasn't raised that way. Laughter is said to be the best medicine. So come read with me and  let's have some fun:

 A Professor explained Marketing to Some Management Students at an evening class thus :

1) You see a gorgeous girl in a party, you go to her & say, "I am rich, marry me..."
... - That's "Direct Marketing"

2) You attend a party & your friend goes to a girl & pointing at you tells her:
"He's very rich, marry him..."
- That's "Advertising"

3) You are at a party & a girl walks to you & says, "You are rich, can you marry me...?"
- That's "Brand Recognition..."

4) You see a cute girl at a party and you go to her & say, "I am very rich, marry me..." & she slaps you...
- That's "Customer Feedback...."

5) You see a girl at a party. You go to her & say, " I am very rich, marry me... " & she introduces you to her husband..
- That's "Demand & Supply Gap..."

6) You see a cute girl at a party. You go to her & say, "I am rich, marry me...." & your wife arrives.....
- That's "Restriction from entering new market...!"

  Hope u understand marketing better now..

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