Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Baby, please cheat on me...

Disclaimer: all the names in this article are fictitious and bear no semblance to anyone living or dead!

Ben and Mary have been married for six months. Ben confided in one of his friends that his wife had become too old and out of style! As a result, he started going after "fresh blood", as he termed it. He showered money and gifts on them because "they know how to make a man feel complete!" He ended up seducing and marrying Mary, one of his daughter's friends! Life was good! Sex was frequent and amazing! Ben was bragging about his new love life to whoever cared to listen!

One night of a marathon sex almost cost Ben his life. At the peak of passion, Ben was practising the figure-69-method he learned from a porn site when he started convulsing. What started as numbness of his bilateral legs has deteriorated into something serious. Three months ago when Ben experienced numbness during sex, he ignored it and continued. When he discussed it with his new primary doctor, he assured him that everything was okay. Dr Tsen barely knows Ben or his medical history. When the convulsion sent him to the Emergency Room, the ER doctor told Ben he was lucky to be alive. The doctor warned him to slow down or he would end up having a massive heart attack sooner than later! Ben's heart was rapidly failing! He was devastated! What would he tell his wife?

How could he relate such news to Mary? Denial set in. " But what has having multiple rounds of sex got to do with my heart issue? I look good for 63 years, don't I? And that Dr Tsen sef, what does he know about me?" But Ben did not convince himself. He was worried sick. "What will I do? How can I tell Mary that I can no longer continue with those marathon sessions of passion; or perform all those styles? What will I do?" He got angry. "This girl is only 32. But why me? O God, why, why will you do this to me? How can you allow this heart problem to be my portion? After all the tithes and offerings I give you, you still allowed this to happen to me? What kind of God pls!!!!!!"

Finally, Ben got an awakening. "Yes, I got an idea! I know what to do!" He ordered 6 dozen of roses for his wife. Next night, Ben spread the roses on their huge king-size bed. He lit some candles and dimmed the lights. When Mary came in from visiting her sick mom, she was bedazzled by the scene. She felt so loved and gave her husband a passionate kiss. That kiss made Ben wanna change his mind, but no, he must accomplish his plan or die trying! He knelt on one knee in front of his wife. Mary's heart was racing at the speed of light: "what is he up to? Maybe another...hmmmm..." Ben was hyperventilating! With tears in his eyes, he held his wife's hands and started so lovingly:
"Baby, you know I love you with all my heart! You know I love you more than life itself; and I cannot live without you!
"And you remember what we went through to be together; how I left my wife of 35 years to be with you..."
"Of course, I remember honey, why?"
"Well baby, if you love me the way I love you, if you want me to still be alive for you, baby, please, start cheating on me!"
Mary opened her mouth, tapped her ears to ensure she heard him right. "What? What has come over you, Benjamin?"
"Yes, baby, you must start cheating on me! I don't care with whom or how many!"
"Benjamin Dobaru!"
"Just don't bring them home! Use protection! But please baby, you must start with immediate effect...yes darling, please, cheat on me..."
Mary could not hear more. She slumped and fainted...