Nkiru Oh
A conversation I had with a friend few days ago produced this write-up. Deji (not real name) and I were grocery shopping when he suddenly whispered, "hmmmm...seems someone around here has 'ablutophobia'!" Am like -ablu-what? He repeated, "seriously, Nk...some body here has ablutophobia!" I laughed more out of ignorance cos I had no clue what that meant. After the supposed 'ablutophobe' passed by my walking encyclopedia-friend blurted out that ablutophobia means "having an obsessive fear of washing or bathing"! Never heard of that! And so, I decided to test some of my co-workers and friends on their knowledge of phobias. Trust girls, almost everyone knows claustrophobia. Yea, fear of closed space, or confinement, right? But wait until you read some of our findings!
Beside the fun we had learning so many uncommon fears, I realized that a knowledge of some of those phobias may help explain some people and behaviors that we term 'weird' or 'bizarre'. That made me want to share this list with you. Remember that a phobia is having an obsessive fear of an object, person, people, thing, etc. The person possessed of a phobia is a -phobe. For examples: macrophobe, claustrophobe, ablutophobe. Below is some of the rare phobias I found. Happy reading:
Acarophobia: having an obsessive fear of itching.
Acerophobia: having an obsessive fear of sourness or sour things.
To avoid boring you to next week, I won't keep repeating 'having an obsessive fear of'. Will just say 'fear of'. Let the fun continue:
Acrophobia: fear of heights, high places.
Agateophobia/Dementophobia: fear of insanity.
Agathophobia: kindness. Fear of kindness...mmmmmm!
Agryophobia: fear of streets or crossing them.
Agriozoophobia: fear of wild animals.
Ailurophobia: fear of cats.
Alektorophobia: fear of chickens or roosters.
Allodoxaphobia: fear of different opinions.
Amychophobia: fear of being scratched.
Aneblophobia: fear of looking up.
Androphobia: fear of men.
Anuptophobia: fear of staying single.
Aphenophobia: fear of riches or wealth. Are you kidding me!
Apeirophobia: fear of infinity.
Apotemnophobia: fear of persons with amputations.
Arachbutyrophopbia: fear of peanut butter sticking in mouth. Trust me, some sound crazier than the others!
Atelophobia: fear of imperfections.
Athazagoraphobia: fear of forgetfulness or being forgotten.
Basiphobia: fear of falling or being unable to stand.
Brontophobia/ Ceraunophobia: fear of thunder and lightning.
Blogoophobia:fear of blogs, writing them.
Cacophobia: fear of ugliness.
Caligynephobia/ Venustraphobia:fear of beautiful women. Wow..wow...wow!
Catagelophobia: fear of being ridiculed.
Catapedophobia: fear of jumping
Cathisophobia: fear of sitting. This one is really serious!
Catoptrophobia: fear of mirrors.
Coimetrophobia: fear of cemeteries.
Clinophobia: fear of going to bed.
Coprastasophobia: fear of constipation.
Cyprianophobia: fear of prostitutes or veneral disease. Isn't this one nice?
Cypridophobia: fear of veneral diseases.
Cyprinophobia:fear of prostitutes. Mmmm...if many people have this fear, I wonder...!
Deipnophobia:fear of dining.
Dikephobia: fear of justice, lawsuits.
Didaskaleinophobia: fear of going to school.
Dishabiliophobia: fear of undressing in front of someone.
Dystychiphobia: fear of accidents.
Gamophobia: fear of marriage.
Geliophobia: fear of laughter.
Genophobia: fear of sex.
Hamartophobia: fear of sinning.
Haphephobia or Haptephobia: fear of being touched.
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia: fear of the number 666.
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: fear of long words.
Novercaphobia: fear of your step-mother. This one is really serious na!.
Ochophobia: fear of vehicles!
Ommetaphobia or Ommatophobia: fear of eyes! Now, how does one explain this one!
Optophobia: fear of opening one's eyes!
Orthophobia: fear of property.
Okay, may be you know those ones, how about these:
Rhypophobia:fear of defecation.
Sarmassophobia/ Malaxophobia: fear of love play.
Sinophobia: Fear of Chinese, Chinese culture.
Sitophobia or Sitiophobia or Cibophobia: fear of food or eating...mmmmmm....
Uranophobia or Ouranophobia: fear of heaven.
Urophobia: fear of urine or urinating.
Venustraphobia: fear of beautiful women.
Vestiphobia: fear of clothing.
Vitricophobia: fear of stepfather!
Wiccaphobia: fear of witches and witchcraft.
Xenophobia: fear of strangers or foreigners.
Xerophobia: fear of dryness
Xylophobia: 1. fear of wooden objects. 2.fear of forests
Xyrophobia: fear of razors.
Zelophobia: fear of jealousy.
The list goes on. While this may be fun, I hope it helps to understand some behaviors! You can add any uncommon ones you know...
A conversation I had with a friend few days ago produced this write-up. Deji (not real name) and I were grocery shopping when he suddenly whispered, "hmmmm...seems someone around here has 'ablutophobia'!" Am like -ablu-what? He repeated, "seriously, Nk...some body here has ablutophobia!" I laughed more out of ignorance cos I had no clue what that meant. After the supposed 'ablutophobe' passed by my walking encyclopedia-friend blurted out that ablutophobia means "having an obsessive fear of washing or bathing"! Never heard of that! And so, I decided to test some of my co-workers and friends on their knowledge of phobias. Trust girls, almost everyone knows claustrophobia. Yea, fear of closed space, or confinement, right? But wait until you read some of our findings!
Beside the fun we had learning so many uncommon fears, I realized that a knowledge of some of those phobias may help explain some people and behaviors that we term 'weird' or 'bizarre'. That made me want to share this list with you. Remember that a phobia is having an obsessive fear of an object, person, people, thing, etc. The person possessed of a phobia is a -phobe. For examples: macrophobe, claustrophobe, ablutophobe. Below is some of the rare phobias I found. Happy reading:
Acarophobia: having an obsessive fear of itching.
Acerophobia: having an obsessive fear of sourness or sour things.
To avoid boring you to next week, I won't keep repeating 'having an obsessive fear of'. Will just say 'fear of'. Let the fun continue:
Acrophobia: fear of heights, high places.
Agateophobia/Dementophobia: fear of insanity.
Agathophobia: kindness. Fear of kindness...mmmmmm!
Agryophobia: fear of streets or crossing them.
Agriozoophobia: fear of wild animals.
Ailurophobia: fear of cats.
Alektorophobia: fear of chickens or roosters.
Allodoxaphobia: fear of different opinions.
Amychophobia: fear of being scratched.
Aneblophobia: fear of looking up.
Androphobia: fear of men.
Anuptophobia: fear of staying single.
Aphenophobia: fear of riches or wealth. Are you kidding me!
Apeirophobia: fear of infinity.
Apotemnophobia: fear of persons with amputations.
Arachbutyrophopbia: fear of peanut butter sticking in mouth. Trust me, some sound crazier than the others!
Atelophobia: fear of imperfections.
Athazagoraphobia: fear of forgetfulness or being forgotten.
Basiphobia: fear of falling or being unable to stand.
Brontophobia/ Ceraunophobia: fear of thunder and lightning.
Blogoophobia:fear of blogs, writing them.
Cacophobia: fear of ugliness.
Caligynephobia/ Venustraphobia:fear of beautiful women. Wow..wow...wow!
Catagelophobia: fear of being ridiculed.
Catapedophobia: fear of jumping
Cathisophobia: fear of sitting. This one is really serious!
Catoptrophobia: fear of mirrors.
Coimetrophobia: fear of cemeteries.
Clinophobia: fear of going to bed.
Coprastasophobia: fear of constipation.
Cyprianophobia: fear of prostitutes or veneral disease. Isn't this one nice?
Cypridophobia: fear of veneral diseases.
Cyprinophobia:fear of prostitutes. Mmmm...if many people have this fear, I wonder...!
Deipnophobia:fear of dining.
Dikephobia: fear of justice, lawsuits.
Didaskaleinophobia: fear of going to school.
Dishabiliophobia: fear of undressing in front of someone.
Dystychiphobia: fear of accidents.
Gamophobia: fear of marriage.
Geliophobia: fear of laughter.
Genophobia: fear of sex.
Hamartophobia: fear of sinning.
Haphephobia or Haptephobia: fear of being touched.
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia: fear of the number 666.
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: fear of long words.
Novercaphobia: fear of your step-mother. This one is really serious na!.
Ochophobia: fear of vehicles!
Ommetaphobia or Ommatophobia: fear of eyes! Now, how does one explain this one!
Optophobia: fear of opening one's eyes!
Orthophobia: fear of property.
Okay, may be you know those ones, how about these:
Rhypophobia:fear of defecation.
Sarmassophobia/ Malaxophobia: fear of love play.
Sinophobia: Fear of Chinese, Chinese culture.
Sitophobia or Sitiophobia or Cibophobia: fear of food or eating...mmmmmm....
Uranophobia or Ouranophobia: fear of heaven.
Urophobia: fear of urine or urinating.
Venustraphobia: fear of beautiful women.
Vestiphobia: fear of clothing.
Vitricophobia: fear of stepfather!
Wiccaphobia: fear of witches and witchcraft.
Xenophobia: fear of strangers or foreigners.
Xerophobia: fear of dryness
Xylophobia: 1. fear of wooden objects. 2.fear of forests
Xyrophobia: fear of razors.
Zelophobia: fear of jealousy.
The list goes on. While this may be fun, I hope it helps to understand some behaviors! You can add any uncommon ones you know...
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