Wednesday, January 25, 2012


By Nkiru Oh

You may not be the richest in the land.
And you are not the prettiest in the band.
You do not live at the coveted part of the city.
And do not have millions which cause you self-pity.
You cannot afford a cruise to the Islands
Neither can you pay for a weekend in the main lands.
The list of what you cannot do,
May fill all the scrolls in the world and the seas too.
But wait a minute! Think for a second!!
Those wasted moments can never be regained.
Take a trip to the inside of you.
Examine who you are, enjoy that you in you.
Your life is precious, celebrate it.
Waking up is a blessing, be thankful for it.
Those little things you take for granted:
Getting off the car when you have landed;
Bathing and grooming, putting on your shoes;
Holding up a spoon or a box of your tools;
Driving to the movies or the grocery stores;
Laughing and making merry with friends and loved ones;
Telling the time, your anniversaries and birthdays;
Distinguishing the seasons, the nights from the days;
Though very simple, basic and easy
Yet very complex and unattainable to the queasy!
Count your blessings, name them one by one.
Today is the time, tomorrow may be gone.
Rejoice and be glad, be thankful for now.
Rejoice and be glad, I believe you know how.
Do not wait to marry.                                                                            
There’s no more time to tarry.
Do no wait to have kids before you rejoice.
Or to get that new job before you make your choice.
Do not wait till those unfriendly colleagues all get fired.
Or the wicked bosses that troubled you are all retired.
Count your blessings, name them one by one.
Now is the time, tomorrow may be gone.
Be the best you can, be thankful for your life.
Rejoice and be glad! Celebrate you and end the strife!

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